As the only FDA-approved female hair loss solution, minoxidil for women has demonstrated its effectiveness in promoting hair regrowth during clinical trials. Many women have also experienced success with it. In this article, we look at how this topical solution could fit in with your treatment plan to gain back your hair growth.
Minoxidil for women is one of the most popular female hair loss solutions. This has been used to treat male pattern baldness for years and has shown great success. Currently, it is available in a less concentrated form of treatment for women’s loss of hair. Since it is the only FDA-approved treatment for hair thinning and loss in women, we know that there are positive clinical trials backing up the product’s efficacy.
While there are many causes for loss, minoxidil is often prescribed across a wide variety of causes. Like any type of medication for loss of hair, it does not always work 100% of the time, even with the clinical trial data backing it up. That is why although the solution is available over the counter, a visit to a doctor or dermatologist for a professional diagnosis is recommended. He or she may be able to provide additional tips and guidance.
Sometimes other forms of treatments are also needed if a patient’s scalp does not respond. Here are some of the leading causes for loss and the treatments where minoxidil could be applied.
Pattern baldness is what is most often seen in men, and it also afflicts women. The symptoms are less severe in men than in women. For men, the minoxidil solution is 5% in concentration, for women, it is more diluted at 2% in concentration. Minoxidil for women is more diluted than for men to suit a lady’s sensitive scalp.
Loose anagen alopecia is a disorder seen when women comb their hair and an excess of hair becomes accumulated on the comb. In this case, if not caused by an underlying disease, topical solutions have been known to be successful in certain cases.
Also, minoxidil could help thicken the hair for those suffering from androgenetic alopecia. This form of hair shedding is often caused by genetics. It could also arise from hormonal imbalances in the body.
An autoimmune alopecia disorder could cause a woman’s hair to fall out either slowly or in patches. Obviously some of the solutions will not work without treatment. Depending on the amount of loss and corrective treatment for the problem, minoxidil for women can be of assistance for the hair and is sometimes prescribed alongside other female hair loss solutions.
Unfortunately, for women who are suffering from some sort of trauma to the head, such as scarring or having been burned, the hair follicles may be so damaged that they cannot be stimulated for healthy hair regrowth by a topical solution like minoxidil. Surgical treatment and perhaps transplants may have to be done. In this case, you want to discuss with the physician on whether minoxidil for women would help or if other kinds of solutions would come into play.
When it comes to finding the best female hair loss solutions, minoxidil for women has been demonstrated to work in many cases, based on clinical trial data and user testimonials. You may not see immediate results as it could be several months to work. You may also want to consider searching out a specialist who can discuss your particular needs and help tailor an individualized treatment plan to suit your body and scalp conditions.